The Journey to Self Mastery

LoveAll 5D
2 min readApr 23, 2020

“You can’t master anyone else. You can only master yourself. Your own energy.” — Mikko Carrea| Frequency Master & Founder @LoveAll5D

We are living in a time where inner mastery, spirituality, and energy practice are more mainstream and thankfully on the rise. It is more important now than ever to drop into our practice and show up with conscious love. We are not preaching, we are merely sharing energy work and healing modalities that work and inspire us to connect to our higher self. That part of ourselves that knows we can choose to be the superhero of our own story at any given moment. It starts with a thought, that we turn into action, that becomes a practice, which inevitably leads to embodiment. We must fearlessly trust the process.

Living our Soul Path means not succumbing to our old story patterns and unconscious, unhealthy loops. It means expanding your capacity, eating consciously, being present, tapping into your own energy, showing up in your relationships with less resistance, brave authenticity, and more love. The darkness is expansive and so is the light. Living in self-mastery is choosing to shine your light no matter what.

Thank you, and I love you.

Energy Alchemists Mikko & Biji @loveall5d



LoveAll 5D

We offer a growing tribe of New Earth leaders conscious community, unconditional love, as well as healing tools and practices to support the evolution of all.